Saturday, March 29, 2008


tommy is our sweet baby boy
he is growing up so very fast
he has a wonderful big sister and a great big brother to help him learn the ropes
he is tying so hard right now to crawl and chase them around
both of my other children loved to cuddle and be held, and tommy is no different, except much more so. he will actually grab you and pull you to him and kiss and hug you like there is no tomorrow! that is just an amazing feeling.
he is so ticklish, and loves to be talked to, read to, and played with.
he is learning to play on his own some too, which is great as well.
he just got his first little tooth this week.
mark anthony calls him "tommy toe", which has become quite fitting, as his new hobby is chewing his toes!
we didnt know how we were gonna make it with 3 kids, since there are only 2 parents, but we are making it better than anyone could ask for and cant imagine our family without him.

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