mark anthony has been aware of the potty, its purpose, and what goes in it since before his second birthday.
that was last summer.
9 months later, we still arent potty trained.
shortly after his second birthday, i was put on bedrest for the remainder of my pregnancy with tommy. i wasnt able to work with mark anthony very much on the potty. mark works alot, so between his work schedule and my doctors visits, consistency was something we didnt have.
we have been back and forth with success and a lack thereof for several months now on our potty progress.
mark anthony loves to wear his "underwears".
he likes the way they look, they feel, the cool characters displayed on them.
today was a big day for him.
it was not the first day in "underwears", it wasnt his first time out of the house in "underwears", it wasnt even his first day at school in "underwears". it was however, the first day he used the potty anywhere other than home! he used the potty at school a few times today, and had no accidents!!
he arrived at school at 730am, and was there until 430pm. thats a long time! then you add in a trip to walmart. he really impressed me with his progress.
mark was on the phone with me while in walmart, pushing or pulling 2 buggies (one with the boys in it, one with the purchases in it). "get him a prize, get him a potty prize!" i was preaching. "make sure he knows why he is getting it! brag on him. make a huge deal out of it."
mark anthony chose a yellow car with a magnetic wagon behind it. dora the explorer is seated in the car. a pretty cool potty prize.
lacee and i stop at toys r us on our way out of nashville, as lacee had some money burning a hole in her wallet. she got a really cool kit that includes a plate, a cup, and a bowl, as well as paints and brushes. she will get to paint the bowl, cup, and plate and then we bake them to set the paint. a great deal at $9.99.
i found a cute little einstiens board book for tommy.
i found annie and clarabel for mark anthony, magnetic, to attach to thomas and attend church in his backpack. (thomas the train, of course). i was so proud of his potty progress today, that he was getting a second prize!
i also grabbed a book of reward stickers, thought it was a good time to bring back the potty chart and give it a go again.
i talk to mark again once we are on the road.
they got home. mark asked mark anthony, "do you need to go potty?"
"no daddy."
and within an instant, mark anthony squats in his bedroom floor, opening floodgates to make the pickwick dam green with envy.
one of the many reasons my dream house does not have carpet. sadly, we do not live in my dream house, it lives in me, in my mind. our current home does have carpet. carpet with spots. spots from nail polish, eye shadow, magic marker, and peepee.
i suppose i could make the next mastcard commercial.
a pack of underwear with thomas the train: $4.99
a pack of pull ups with cooling sensation: $19.99
rug shampooer rental: $19.99
ripping up your pee soaked carpet as your child aces the potty training: PRICELESS.
i know he will get there when he is ready, not when i want him to. its this teasing me thats getting the best of me.
poor annie and clarabel, they are still trapped in the toys r us bag, hid from view, waiting for the chance to come out and haul some frieght.
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